Vodka 1233 Luxury Apple apple 700 ml
Vodka 1233 Luxury Apple apple 700 ml
Vodka 1233 Luxury Apple apple 700 ml
Vodka 1233 Luxury Apple apple 700 ml
Vodka 1233 Luxury Apple apple 700 ml
Vodka 1233 Luxury Apple apple 700 ml

Vodka 1233 Luxury Apple apple 700 ml

Toruńskie Wódki Gatunkowe

The year 1233 is an important point on the historical timeline of Toruń - it was then that the stronghold received its city rights. From the combination of the history of the city and over 130 years of tradition of the manufacturer's plant, two unique liquors based on the author's recipe were created.

1233 Apple Vodka is an apple vodka made from high-quality aged apple distillate. Experience in the production of liquors and selected ingredients determine the unique taste and aroma of this vodka.

Capacity: 700 ml, alcohol content: 40%

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1234 Luxury
1234 Luxury
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